"Mademoiselle Manon" is an outgoing lady, exuberant but gullible, she’s our around the corner diner’s waitress. She will appear right on time to watch the show. It’s a miracle! The artist won’t introduce oneself; she will take matters into her own hands and find herself on the spot where she’ll have to climb on the trapeze. Phew ! One little secret... "Mademoiselle Manon" will also find the man of her dreams. An interactive and hilarious performance.
"A bright and warm ^current of good humor. When "Mademoiselle Manon" rises up, laughter thunders in the crowd and a light of joy shimmers in everyone’s eyes."
Streetartnimation -Luxembourg
Just for Laugh Festival - Montreal
Montreal’s "Quartier des Spectacles"
"Hors les Murs" Tour- Montreal
Ottawa’s Canada Day
Thursday’s at the "Port de BREST" - France
Starlight Circus- Swiss
"A bright and warm ^current of good humor. When "Mademoiselle Manon" rises up, laughter thunders in the crowd and a light of joy shimmers in everyone’s eyes."
Streetartnimation -Luxembourg
Just for Laugh Festival - Montreal
Montreal’s "Quartier des Spectacles"
"Hors les Murs" Tour- Montreal
Ottawa’s Canada Day
Thursday’s at the "Port de BREST" - France
Starlight Circus- Swiss
Technical.A unique in Quebec trapeze structure, fast and easy to install, without any ground point of anchoring necessary. The structure is used both for interior and exterior presentations (except if there are already specific points of anchoring provided).
Minimum interior setting height : 18 feet Stage dimensions : 18 feet/18feet |